Thursday, July 14, 2011

Port Douglas

After leaving Cape Tribulation we headed down to Port Douglas for a few days where we were going to do a cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. When we got to the caravan park we asked about the wind conditions on the waters and we were told that the wind was 25 to 30 knots which is the roughest it gets out on the water. Because Luke got sick on the plane flight over Lake Eyre from the turbulence we decided to wait until the weather calmed down before we went on the cruise. ( We didn't want him to get sea sick.)
The caravan park was quite nice with a lot of people that come from the South and stay for long periods of time because of the warmer weather. One day we went for a walk around the caravan park and had to walk up beside a caravan. Luke was breaking up palm fronds and dropping them on the ground. The man from the caravan came out and as we walked down the road he told us off for leaving rubbish around his van. We ignored him and kept on walking. They have nothing better to do than just sit around their caravan and rake up leaves and keep their little area tidy.

Mossman Gorge
From Port Douglas we did a day trip out to Mossman Gorge which is part of the Daintree Rain forest. It was absolutely beautiful. From the picnic area a raised boardwalk  made from recycled plastic wound through the forest to over look  the river flowing through the gorge. A swing bridge went over the river and on the other side was a spectacular 2 ½ kl walk. I really enjoyed the walk and it was amazing to see how the flora changed in the different areas of the forest.
Here are a few photos of the gorge. Our camera doesn't do it any justice.


I wanted to experience Aboriginal culture so we went to a show at night called Tjapukai. At the show they played the didgeridoo, made fire the traditional way,sang songs and danced. It was quite a good show which we all enjoyed. (The kids enjoyed the desserts from the all you can eat buffet the best.)

Kids and I with 2 of the performers.

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