Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gold Coast Queensland

We arrived on the gold coast on Friday the 15Th of July.

We decided to spend a week here.

When we arrived the weather was cool and rainy but we didn’t let that stop our fun.

On Saturday we walked around the city and saw Ripley’s Believe it or Not Odditorium. It was quite interesting to see all the weird and wonderful things that he had discovered by travelling the world many times.


We went to Wet ‘N’ Wild.
 Because it is out of season Todd and I were able to get in at children’s prices. It wasn’t very busy which was good for us because we didn’t have to wait to get onto the rides. Some people were running around in wet suits because it was a bit cool. We had a great day and lots of fun.


We didn’t do much during the day because the car was booked in for a service. Todd had to walk 7km from Mitsubishi back to the caravan park.

Monday night we went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and did the Wild night Tour. We started off with a delicious buffet dinner and then we were taken,  in groups, around  the park. First we were allowed to hold a baby crocodile and a snake. Luke didn’t want to hold the crocodile but he held the snake without hesitation. Careena held both, Alanna held the croc but not the snake.

After the croc and snake handling we went to see the Koalas. Alanna has been wanting to hold a Koala for a very long time. After a short talk about the Koalas we were allowed to hold it if we were going to have a photo taken with it. The kids were  first in line for their photo. After the Koalas we saw a Barn Owl, more snakes and reptiles, a huge crocodile called Holey and fed the Kangaroos. The kangaroo feeding was really good because there were about 70 hungry kangaroos wanting to be fed.

In between looking at animals a short  Aboriginal show with dancing and singing was performed around a camp fire. It was a great night which  ended with hot chocolate and honey damper.

Tuesday Night

We went and saw the Outback Spectacular show presented by R M Williams.

When we arrived the audience was given hats with yellow or red bands on them. We had the hats with Red Bands. The red bands were for Warrego Station and the yellow bands were for Bunya Downs Station. During the show they held a competition between the two stations and we had to cheer for the station we were backing. It was a fantastic show with lots of special effects.

They even had a real helicopter  hanging from the ceiling flying back and forth over the arena. Luke’s favourite part was the race between 3 Quad bikes from Bunya Station and the three horse riders from Warrego Station.


We went back to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary to do the Green Challenge. The green Challenge is a rope course through the trees. It is full of different activities like walking on thin ropes to flying foxes and walking on wobbly bridges.

Unfortunately Luke was too short to do the Green Challenge so Todd stayed on the ground with Luke while the girls and I did the challenge.

After we finished the challenge we went for a ride on the train that ran around the park and had a look at the animals in the day time.

About ½ hour before we left Todd and I had a go on the Segways. ( If you don’t know what aSegway is watch Mall Cop. It is the thing he rides around the mall. It uses your body weight  to move in the direction you want to go. If you want to go forward you lean forward. If you want to go left you lean slightly left .) We only had a 10min ride around a small man made course because the kids were too light to ride them. ( 45 kilos is the minimum.)They were easy to get the hang of and they were so much fun too ride. I want one.

Careena Green Challenge

Alanna Green Challenge

Me Green Challenge

Todd on a Segway

Sonia on a Segway


We didn’t have anything planned so we decided to go to White Water World.

It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it more than Wet’n’Wild. Todd, Alanna and Luke went on the Green room ride which is one of the most extreme rides there is. Because we were having so much fun we didn’t take any photos.


We left the Gold Coast and stayed at Coffs Harbour for 2 nights.

We went to the Big Banana, which was a bit disappointing, but we did do Tobogganing.

We all had our own sled. It was quite fun because a pulley system pulled us up the hill and then we could go as fast as we liked down the hill.

We were going to swim with the Dolphins at the Pet Porpoise pool but we have had sore throats and slight colds so we decided against it.( One of the rules to swim with the Dolphins was that we didn’t have any infections. ) We will save this experience for another trip.

Well our holiday is almost over we are going to spend a few days with Todd’s parents at Port Macquarie before returning home.

We had a fantastic time and I highly recommend it to everyone if they have the chance to go see Australia. It is worth it.

I am so proud of the Kids and myself because we all faced something that scared us and we did it anyway.

See you when we get home.

1 comment:

  1. Like the article post.Thanks for all the info! I can't wait to go back and read about all your adventures.Kokoda Trail
