Tuesday, April 12, 2011

O.B.A.A Phillip Island

We arrived on Phillip Island on Saturday the 9th of April. We stayed at the Amaze N' Things Caravan Park.
The day we arrived it rained in the evening which Todd enjoyed the sound of it on the Caravan roof.

On Sunday we spent the day at Amaze 'N Things Centre. 
It had a lot of different rooms like the Andy's Gravity room where the floor was on a lean and it made it look like  water in a sink was running up hill. Mirror Maze, Mystic Tunnel and a lot of other things that played with your senses. In the puzzle room was a giant 7M free fall slide. The attend asked us if we wanted to have a go.Todd went up with a couple of other people while I was still deciding. I got really brave and decided to have a go. I got to the top and my heart was pounding. I sat on the ledge and  slowly put my legs over the edge while holding onto the metal bar. The attendant explained to me what to do but when I finally hung from the bar and then let go I forgot everything he told me.I do not have a photo of this because I had my face screwed up with fear and I was wearing red overalls.
They also had a giant maze which would have to be one of the hardest that we have done. (Tried to lose the kids but failed.)

Out the front of the complex was a 19 hole putt putt golf course.
It was well worth the visit.

We went and saw the little penguins arrive on the beach on Sunday night.We chose the penguin plus option which had less people.(100 compared to the 2000 in the  Common Area.)
The kids watched a documentary about the Little Penguins in the car on the way to Phillip Island.
Careena was quite shocked about how hard the Little Penguins lives are.
No photos were allowed to be taken of the penguins.

I really enjoyed the tour of th chocolate factory.It wasn't a long tour but it explained the process of making chocolate right from the start of picking the cocoa beans to the end product. They had a village made from chocolate, A chocolate water fall,Robotic chocolate arm that gave free samples, A machine that we could make our own designed chocolate which we got to eat.
I was wanting to see the Oompa Loompas but they didn't show. HA HA

Chocolate waterfall

Chocolate Village

The machine that we made our own chocolates on.

CNC mill machine that cuts out designs on chocolate blocks.

A worker in the factory.

 I could have stayed longer to watch the workers make more chocolates but the kids do speed sightseeing.
I would recommend Panny's to everyone.

                                                                       FORREST CAVES

Alanna, Todd and Luke playing in the caves.
The tide was coming in and they were seeing who could stay dry the longest.
Luke lost.

Careena, Todd and Alanna

The caves are best viewed at low tide.

Well it is time for bed before I get too fustrated with blogging.The pictures won't go where I want them tooand it is taking longer than expected.
Next Blog will be on Ballarat.


  1. Looks like you having a ball. Really enjoying the blogs-looking forward to the next one! Josh doing his job well-all good at home. COOP SAYS HI LUKE!!! Take carexx

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