Wednesday, April 6, 2011

O.B.A.A day 2 -5th April

Today was Careena's Birthday. She and Todd got up early and checked the temperature.It was a cold 1deg. but it warmed up fast when the sun came out, and she wanted to go swimming in the thermal pools near Yarangobilly caves.
We had to walk 1.7km down a very steep hill.The girls got excited when they saw the pools and I said they could take a photo but then Todd spotted a lady walking around in the nude and we thought it was best not to.By the time we got to the pools she had her bikini back on.

The thermal pools are build over a natural spring which flows through the mountains at 100,000 litres of water per hour.They are a constant 27deg. all year.The sides of the pool were covered in slime and algae was growing on the bottom. The water was very clear. The algae is a sign that the water is pure.Tadpoles and frogs live in the pool in spring which is another sign that the water is clean.The frogs are Eastern Banjo also known as Pobblebonks.
The kids were freaked out by the slime and didn't spend much time in the water.
The walk back out was hard especially for Luke because he kept complaining that his feet were sore and he kept stopping to throw rocks and then he would get cross and stop walking because the girls and Todd were far in front of us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys :) looks like you are already having a great time.....the thermal pool sounds lovley :) and brrrrr 2 layers of clothes and its not winter yet. Stay safe and look forward to the next blog xxxxxx Karen
