Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our Big Aussie Adventure

DAY 1 Monday 4th of April
We left home at 9.45 in the morning.The drive down to Kosciuszko was quite good. We stopped at the Big Merino to fill up with petrol and have a bite to eat.
The Merino was open and we climbed up flights of stairs and looked out its eyes.

We arrived at our camp spot - Yarrangobilly village in Kosciuszko National Park approx 4.30pm.We set up our camp site and had a BBQ for dinner.The cold kicked in fast and we ended up going to bed at 7.30 with 2 layers of clothes,double socks and beanies on our heads.

Kids hard at work doing schoolwork

Our Caravan set-up
Yarrangobilly River out our door

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