Sunday, May 23, 2010

Glow Worm Tunnel - Lithgow

The Glow worm tunnels are situated in Newnes State Forest.
Turn of Bells Line of road near the Zig-Zag railway and follow the gravel road for 34kms.The road is called Glow worm tunnel road.The tunnel is approximately 5k walk from the car park.
The walk was quite easy for our kids, their ages being 10,8 and 6 and they really enjoyed walking through the bush.

The tunnels are fascinating especially in the middle where it is the darkest because the glow worms look like stars in the night sky.We took torches covered with red cellophane so the light wasn't to bright for the glow worms.We walked right through the tunnels and out the other side and it was amazing how the scenery changed. On the other side there were giant tree ferns and it looked very beautiful.Totally different from what we had walked through to get there.
I would love to go back here again and go for a longer  walk through the tree ferns.

Photo not taken by us.